Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The count down to the date is getting close! 12 weeks thats all we have left as a Military family. While 12 weeks sounds like a lot of time, there is so much to do it seems like it is coming faster then we can figure out what to do. Our 5 year old needs to be registered for Kindergarten and because it starts in September I want to have us settled by the time she starts and it is not looking good for that. I really would hate to have her start school here in September be there for just a few weeks and have to move and start in a new school again. It seems to stressful for a 5 year old to go threw all that.

We got word on the house, and unfortunately my dream home is out of our reach. And with the time crunching on us it is time to figure it all out. We have the option of staying with my parents for a little bit but that requires us to get rid of our furry friends(cats) Tucker and Jazmin and that is not something that any of the 4 us of that have a voice are comfortable doing. We have had Tucker since we moved here in 2005 and Jazmin we got about 2 years ago. We did not get pets to kick em to the curb, they are part of our family so getting rid of them is out of the question. When we even brought it up to the kids about getting rid of them the kids cried and screamed and were in horrible moods the rest of the day so Hubby and I decided that we will be keeping them once we told the kids they were thrilled.

So now on to looking for a place to rent or a house to buy(which at the moment is going to be a challenge since we have a slight problem with a company who contacted the creditors saying we did not pay something that was due by JULY 30 and they contacted them on JUNE 30! Great right? Yea so thats going to be fun, thankfully we have all documentation but trying to get a hold of the people in charge of fixing it is like trying to find a contact in a swimming pool.) So Renting is about the only option we have.

Going threw the tons of stuff we have accumulated over the past 5 years has been a lot of fun too. Crying has been involved when I come across things that give me memories and the kids baby clothes that they wore, especially Little Man's since I see Princess Pretty Pants clothes when I put them on Angel Face. Who knew you could collect so much stuff, I am not even talking my stockpile stuff I am talking just stuff stuff haha.

Our running list of what needs to be done in the next 12 weeks:
-Find a place to live
-Figure out Princess Pretty Pants' school situation
-Sort threw everything see what we can get rid of 
-Pack and move
-Figure out where and when Hubby and I will start school
-Find Jobs(which is hard to do when you have no exact date as to when you will be able to work since you have no idea when you will find a place to live and be moving to the area)

Wow that list does not look all to long but its all so time consuming. Here's to a hope that we find a place to live soon! But if we do we are in limbo about where Hubby will live, or if he will commute the 2 hour drive everyday so that we are able to have Princess Pretty Pants start and stay in the same school. 

It will all work out....It has to right?

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